Thursday, September 3, 2015

What was, what is, and could've beens Part II

Honu slipped through the open window. Hi'iaka watched as the great old turtle reassembled her form. Hovering over the floor her shell was twice the size of the small table. Barnacles as large as a child's fist grew like miniature volcanoes on the ancient shell. "It is a very long way between times. And I see the woman in purple has begun to track kaona. Did you slip the other magic where she'll find it? The way is tricky, and the girl will need at least the vial."

Hi'iaka was thorough. Journeying was her speciality. "The nectar of place will be there for her. Did you speak with them?"

"Yes. The songs of the Leviathan are changing. The People of the Coastline have scheduled their moves. These who consider themselves safe enough will discover otherwise. They are lucky the girl began her soundings from the little bakery down the street. We will need the children -- those singers from her ..."

Hi'iaka knew the word, "band."

"That librarian who speaks Swallow, she needs to be informed. I will visit her while Pale dreams. The Fairy Lady has laced Pale's tea with enough tincture and that Swallow Woman can gather the singers."

"The old farmer's grandson. The Costa boy, he and his Dumpling Woman have they been told you are here?" Honu was gasping for breath. Like Pale, Earth's air was not easy to breathe any more. Such a pity, the sweetness of the environment had turned sharp and difficult. The Goddess reassured Honu that Pale, Stan Costa and Dumpling were having the same dream. Smiling, Hi'iaka rubbed soothingly on the ancient turtle's shell swirling to avoid scraping her hands on the barnacles. "Yes, they dream now and shortly the three will meet in a time of could have."

"My work is done then. I love seeing you Cousin. The fragrance of your lehua groves still remains one of my most treasured scents. Are we in time, you think?" Already Honu was translucent. "Track the kaona favorite sister of Pele. Story is all we have to hold us all together."

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