Wednesday, September 2, 2015

On another day a duck could love

"Let's go back to the cottage." Rain was coming in sideways, not a Border Witch's favorite expression of Nature. Honu was not ma'a with riding in a car, and the cottage meant going into the woods, the activity that needed doing was below the sloping banks of Molinas'. The Turtle conned her choice and her reasons, no longer verbal, then changed her mind suddenly, blurting in rapid fire speech "You have the Swallows' tale!" Hi'iaka looked into the vaporous swell that was wind and turtle surprised and laughing as Honu went from one extreme to the other. Not sure what that meant Pale offered, "I've an idea. Let's go to the cafe."
"Perfect!" Hi'iaka missed the company of the Silver-haired Bird and Fairy Lady. And the venture taking place would need the medicine of the All. How better to do that than to include them, and, the mana of a place dedicated to common magic.
"I will meet you there," Honu had not yet made her physical form available to the Border Witch, that could wait a few minutes. "Get started without me," the Turtle was gone.

Though it was a different time, and different season, it was a day only a duck could love. A parking space right in front of The Safety Pin Cafe waited. A pair of Campbells their soft khaki feathers shimmering from the downpour were most appreciate to see the two women walking toward the front door. "Oh I love Ducks," Hi'iaka acknowledged the hen with a curtsy, the drake quacked his thanks as the door was pulled open for the four of them, two Khaki Campbells, one Goddess, and an old Border Witch.

Inside the hen made a grand show at shaking and shedding rain, leaving the signature puddles the regulars knew. A sweet bustle and banter and people laughing warmed The Safety Pin Cafe. Both wing-tips holding a mug of steaming peppermint tea and a platter of cinnamon toast cut into stars, moons and ducks the Silver-haired Raven, slightly-stooped but no less handsome beamed at the sight of his partner and the visiting Sister of Pele. "Miel," he crossed the room and leaned in for a kiss from his wife. Once freed and finished with his conversation Raven approached the goddess. The two exchanged honi one forehead to the other as breath informed and welcomed.

"We'd like to go upstairs," Pale explained. "Business of the most common sort is in the making." Raven nodded, "And where better for that than here." Pale was still carrying the white pastry bag filled with scones.

"I see you've brought your own morsels. Tea?" Both the women agreed a pot of peppermint would suit them. "I'll leave you to it then." The morning's business was brisk, the Fairy was busy toasting cinnamon bread but she waved through the pass-through. If she was needed she would join them.

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